I like the swings because it feels as though you're falling.
The faint whisper, the loss of consciousness to the mind
Reality is malleable, and it is cast by the connectivity amid souls
Your thoughts, cascading out from your lungs, dipping deep into my heart
These fleeting instances, they are intangible, but they
hail reveries in my wake.
I coax my center of gravity upwards
Transporting my awareness up towards the clouds
And I bask in the sweetness, the fabrication,
The rush of air to my face
For this state cradles the synthetic
So I cast my gaze into the distance, considering the horizon
Between the stars, and the blur of that once strong reverie
That beat as my own.
That rose luster, I cast aside as being mine
But it is redolent of the foresight
Of my ineptitude, my disillusioned hopes.
The state of the heart, entrusted by the mind
Or is it the mind enraptured by the heart?
Hence, dancing in the distance, is my naivety
Smirking back at my dreams, and the stars
Still playing with my heart
But I'm amused, and I descend back
The wind playing with my hair, the smile
settling back onto my face.
Written 19 Years Old - 10/09/2008
