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Written Word
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Nourishment | 27 Years Old | Perth, Australia
To shed my sorrows through tears Purge the overflowing dam of my heart Detoxify my body from an anxious mind Burn out the deadened soil...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Where the Spirit Lies | London, UK
The spirit lies in the space between breaths, the moment of closing the eyes and going inward, witnessing our unencumbered being The...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Ether and Earth | 25 Years Old | Perth, Australia
We feed our souls through the unknown, across bounties of uncharted lands Amidst those who haven't seen our skin We burn into the embers...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Rogue Wave | 25 Years Old | Perth, Australia
I am the rogue wave Crashing upon your shore Dissipates without a trace Leaves you wanting more I am the glance Of an infinite moment...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Mi Vida, Meine Leibe | 26 Years Old | Perth, Australia
My initiation into life Through third world countries Wild jungles and ancient Mayan ruins I grew up with no orientation The only compass...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Don't Let Go | 16 Years Old | California
Don't shut your eyes to things you don't want to go away Live out times you'll regret not hanging onto everyday You can't be sure you'll...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
State of Mind | 16 Years Old | California
This day goes on, grey and cold Reminds me of the days of old Also the future of which I am weary As to my thoughts which are all but...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Ember | 19 Years Old | California
I shall suffer greatly now As the hand that embraces the ember of hope Holds heavy my burden But the ember sets ablaze And what the fire...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
Glimmer | 19 Years Old | California
I like the swings because it feels as though you're falling. The faint whisper, the loss of consciousness to the mind Reality is...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
To Eat the Stars | 19 Years Old | California
In the opulent voided presence of this vast, prodigious sky the milky atmosphere curdling in my bones The planets, like salient orbs sing...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Dec 5, 2020
In Passing | 17 Years Old | California
I am the leader of vast expanses The purveyor of one-more-chances The grey area between right and wrong The entrancement of song I am...
Chelsea Joy Arganbright
Jul 1, 2018
Circa | Written 16 years old | California
There is a sadness in her eyes And it may never leave It has settled like a tule fog In an autumn eve A whisper of her pain Hidden behind...
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